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Author: Kenneth Chan

The Spiritual Path

The Spiritual Path

The Kabbalah, the Tarot and the Middle Way Kenneth Chan This paper shows how a detailed and inspirational map of the spiritual quest is created through an extraordinary synchronicity between the Kabbalah Tree of Life, the Buddhist Noble Eightfold Path, the text of the Sefer Yetzirah, the Greater Arcana of the Tarot, the Uttaratantra Shastra, the Three Veils of Negative Existence, the Three Principles of the Path (in Tibetan Buddhism), and Madhyamika Philosophy. This synchronicity is evidence that these apparently…

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A Direct Experiential Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

A Direct Experiential Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

How Madhyamika Philosophy Explains the Mystery of Quantum Physics Abstract: The theory of relativity informs us that our science is a science of our experience, and not a science of a universe that is independent of us as conscious observers (see the explanation in this article: Why Relativity Exists). This nature of our science is also reflected in the formulation of quantum mechanics, since the main formulation of quantum mechanics does not provide direct rules for the behaviour of particles….

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Relativity Proves that Time and Space are Empty of Inherent Existence

Relativity Proves that Time and Space are Empty of Inherent Existence

Abstract A scientific analysis of Einstein’s theory of relativity proves that time and space are empty of inherent existence, in accordance with the Madhyamika philosophy of Buddhism. This is an inevitable conclusion that can be demonstrated, purely by simple logic, to be true. The proof stems from the realisation that relativity exists only because our science is actually a science of our conscious experience. (See also the related article on relativity: Why Relativity Exists, and the related article on Madhyamika philosophy: A Direct…

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Why the Speed of Light is Constant

Why the Speed of Light is Constant

  (published in the Mensa International Journal, No. 339, Sep 1990) According to the crucial postulate in Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, the speed of light is always constant relative to all freely-moving observers. This means, for example, that if you measure the speed of a light ray to be 300,000 kilometers per second while on Earth, an observer in a rocket travelling from Earth at, say, 150,000 kilometers per second in the same direction will also measure the same…

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Time and Space

Time and Space

This paper was published in the anthology of the International Society for Philosophical Enquiry (ISPE), entitled Thinking on the Edge (Agamemnon Press 1993). It was approved for publication by the physics consultant for the book, Professor Kip S Thorne (Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics, California Institute of Technology, and the 2017 Nobel Prize Winner for Physics). Below is the 1988 preprint version of the paper. I  Contents and Introduction II  The Meaning of Time and Space (Part I) II  The…

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Why Relativity Exists

Why Relativity Exists

Abstract: This paper provides the reason for the existence of relativity that Einstein himself never realised. In the theory of relativity, time and space distort depending on our state of motion, while the speed of light always remains constant. Einstein considered the constancy of the speed of light as a postulate that cannot be explained. This so-called postulate, however, is actually not a fundamental law of nature because there is an underlying explanation for it: We perceive the speed of light…

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