The transcendent light that burns within the text of a Shakespearean play is conveyed to us, in true mystical fashion, by absorbing our very being into the enactment of its meaning. The message of the play is not conveyed intellectually; it isexperienced. The mystical art of Shakespeare is thus the art of initiation. Shakespeare conveys his meaning by making us live through it. It is an emotional encounter designed to illuminatethe universal spiritual principles within the depths of our own inner being. Shakespearean plays are thus akin to themystery plays of old, where the initiate is introduced into the deeper mystical principles through the evocation of aheartfelt experience of their truth. To truly imbibe the message of a Shakespearean play, we thus need to feel and breathe the life of the drama as though it were real. We must plunge ourselves fully into the action and live through the performance. This is the experience of a true mystical theatre. It is learning through emotional…